Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2011



Sun sun baby

Smooth rivers run

Break hard today

Close the late wind

Shoot the rainy

Hum never clouds

Soil is breaking

Feeding hunger slowly

Monday, January 31, 2011

Grainy Grit

Hey you, simple clover of the sun
Your face so soft like ivory, hun
Dashing, Dashing, smooth as they ever come
Is that tweed, some herringbone, tartan

No, golden buttons tarnished like bronze
Copper that is hit, warm hot cross buns
Earls and Duchess, two silver peas
Talk Mayflowers and an R.M.S.

Is it Liverpool, no I.R.A.
Braveheart the Wallace, Henry the Eight
Spade it, hate it, take it, queens for you
Wild Martin never knew fire burnt

Monday, November 15, 2010


Welch ein Zustand! Herr, so spate
Schleichst du heut' aus deiner Kammer;
Perser nennen's Bidamag Buden;
Deutsche sagen Katzenjammer!

What a state! Lord, so late
Creep do today from your chamber;
Persians call it Bidamag booths;
German say hangover!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010


Spring days bring us troubled lads
Souls abound and lives that had,
Along the horizon I see
Sunshine and folks gone lost,

Semblance strikes with but a beam
With a rush of energy,
The slow spring brings forth new days
They come with second chances,
On the hour I admit
They must come and come again,

But if I must choose a line
If not a path this one day,
May my soul hath acquire
The likes of the sun instead,
Not the beams of the one day
For night comes with just a turn

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Constant humming rings from the west
Brimming a constant melody
Night falls and stars dot, telling us
Tall grasses and fields of wide lengths
Open, it is nature we seek

When lit, we stumble as truth peeks
A mark or period of date
Where in the deck lies the right match
The humdrum is constant, the ring
Absence of mind and purity

Still and simple, not a gesture
Sleep for now and rest up for it
It is it, it is what it is
It always is constant, you see

Thursday, February 25, 2010


It converges upon a point
I look down at it and wonder
Who could be next, what could be next
Someone once said, take it slow, real slow
Breath in for once, take a gander
Feel it through, deep down, from within
More than you ever have before

Daytime or nighttime, no bother
Study this well to be on top
It is a gift for the gander
A small prize for the short effort
Open up, give in, let it come
There are so many more to see
Seconds to enjoy
Did you

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Salome, dear Salome you dance with such allure
You step in tune with my beat, tempting each time
And when I ask to dance, a shoulder speaks
Sultry yet tainted, mesmerizing to all
This is a game perchance you think to yourself
This is my chance
Each word is a turn, each sentence is a break


Are we winning this
Are you winning this

Come again she says, she whispers it really
Eyes scan breathlessly, what is this touch of skin
Your shoulders were bare you once told me, sometimes
Never constricted, always free

Break, a little

Now is your chance

Saturday, December 5, 2009

En Garde

Rain drops pitter, her heart patters
Years go by, yet she grows fatter
Bites get grabbed, yet he keeps eating
Who the hell is even reading

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Vous parlez sans paroles, vous agissez sans agir,
C'est ce que vous faites, et c'est ce que vous n'aimez pas,
Ce qui définit ce qu'il est, c'est simplement ce que ce n'est pas
L'inverse ou de l'autre, ce sont les choix
Jamais il n'est présent, n'est jamais ce que
Questions pour poser les questions et les réponses sont là des questions
Ce sont les confusions vous créez

Mais ils ne sont pas sans raison, au moins dans une certaine
La raison est dans l'Å“il de celui qui regarde
Si vous ne pouvez résister - bonne chance; à Dieu vit!
Mais si non, continuer d'essayer, mais vous allez réussir?

Wait it out, let it be, reste une seconde
Quel est le temps qui est gaspillé, pourquoi devriez-vous compter
Le temps est toujours de l’essence, n’est-ce pas?

Thursday, May 28, 2009


What are burnt ashes and cracked wood,
But pieces sitting on the ground.
Darkened and chalky they will sit,
Soaking water, dew or the rain.

It is all the same they will say,
It is just a matter of words.
Semantics will only bother,
Forget meaning and thought for once.

These are not to be worried for,
Let them sit and be carried on.
Wind blows on like the life we live,
Use it to your will and your needs.

To fight what is burnt takes much more,
You can’t create with just one tool.
You’ll need far more than that my friend,
Listen but do not burn so soon.

Give it time and let it sit slow,
New light comes with every day.